Get to know Vitalie Robu, the head of the Design Department at AB + Partners

He studied in the US and returned home. Vitalie is one of the few young people who have tried to build their future at home. He was hired as an interior designer at our company a year and a half ago, and shortly after he became the head of the department. He thinks the world would be insipid and gloomy without design.

Studies done in the US have opened up dozens of opportunities for me, I have chosen to develop myself at home. Even though I studied architecture, I changed my specialty for the interior design because in the Republic of Moldova this area gives you more freedom of creation. Now we have projects all over the world, so I can say I’m developing myself not only in line with the domestic market.

A lot of work should be done to achieve success and we all work for a common success. Dedication, professionalism, responsibility and perseverance remain the basic principles in my daily work. I fully agree with the statement by Liviu Rebreanu “Talent is certainly a divine gift, but alone, without much toil, very much toil, it remains barren. A quarter of talent and three quarters of work will barely give birth to a work of art.”

A successful design project should represent the client, look great and be fulfilled with a reasonable budget. The designer always aims to transform the space you have into a comfortable and functional one. That is why at AB + Partners we have a professional and individual approach to each project. This helps create original concepts that remain up-to-date for a long time. A successful design means, in fact, a satisfied customer.

The ideal project would be the one where I would have full freedom of expression. In 99.9% of cases, the work is tailored to the client’s requirements and preferences, which imposes certain limits on either style and/or budget. It is a rare case when the beneficiary is willing to give you a free hand and allow you to do everything you know better.

A good interior designer needs to have imagination, inborn talent and diligence. Besides all this, the most valuable quality that can be held is the correlation of creativity and comfort with the needs of the client. Of course, the increased communication and teamwork skills are indispensable, because if you want to have a successful career, you need to know how to interact effectively with everyone who will support you in this.

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